North Korean Moonie Subs

August 4, 2004

The Rev. Moon is one of the more interesting figures involved in both politics and mass marriage ceremonies. He is the publisher of the Washington Times, home of reactionary right-wing politics. He is the head of the unification church, home of mass weddings. He is a friend of the Bush administration.

In June, more than a dozen Congressmen honored Moon in a "coronation" ceremony in the Dirksen Senate office building. John Gorenfield initially reported the story in Hail to the Moon king and the story was picked up by The Washington Post: The Rev. Moon Honored at Hill Reception

Now, it seems that Moon is also selling arms to North Korea. John Gorenfield reports: Rev. Moon's submarines, sold to Kim Jong-Il, empower a nuke threat to the West Coast.

More at Tapped. Via Atrios.

Posted by Andrew Raff at August 4, 2004 1:04 PM

Moon has a seemingly infinite supply of money which has allowed him to bankroll the Washington Times for 20 years despite the fact that it has never made money. Given this fact, and the fact that the Times has always been arch-conservative in its political views, one might conclude that Moon himself is an arch-conservative. But Moon's connections to the Communist regime in North Korea, going back at least to the early 1990s when Moon met with Kim Il Sung, the father of the current leader, demonstrate that Moon's actual ideology is merely one of self-promotion. Moon hopes to control people who have political power, and he cares little what ideological stripe they carry. Moon allowed those submarines to go to North Korea even though he knew Kim Jong Il would likely use them for military purposes because Moon wanted to win favor from Kim no matter by what means. I'm a former follower of Moon and if you'd like to find out more about what it's like to be a "Moonie" for more than a decade, please read my memoir, Heartbreak and Rage: Ten Years Under Sun Myung Moon, A Cult Survivor's Memoir, which is available from A sample from the book can be read by visiting my website at

Posted by: K. Gordon Neufeld at August 8, 2004 7:11 PM
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