Shortchanging NYC

August 23, 2004

Senator Clinton calls on the President and Congressional leadership to not only come to NYC for the Republican convention, but to support NYC The Give New York Its Fair Share of Homeland Money

In the latest fiscal year, Wyoming received $38 per person while New York received less than $5.50 per person from the largest pot of federal homeland security funding. This irrational system is the result of a decision to allocate more than 75 percent of some $2.9 billion the federal government spends on homeland security without regard to threat. Instead, each state gets a guaranteed minimum portion of this money, with the rest being divided up on a per-person basis. Under this system, New York City received only 3 percent of the $2.9 billion in the three largest homeland security programs, and only 2.5 percent of 2004 homeland security-related funds.

Posted by Andrew Raff at August 23, 2004 4:05 PM
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