A blog about music and pop culture coming from New York, NY. How original.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 28, 2006 11:09 PM.


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Stick a fork in it

In the latest Wired, Dave Itzkoff writes about The Pitchfork Effect: "Though the music industry has seen drastic changes in recent years, what has remained constant is the fact that most listeners still find their music with the assistance of a filter: a reliable source that sifts through millions of tracks to help them choose what they do (and don't) want to hear. The filters we traditionally depended on – music magazines, radio stations, music video channels, even the recommendations of a trusted record store clerk – have diminished in influence enough to give a player like Pitchfork room to operate. Pitchfork is a small site: The traffic it draws is too tiny to be measured by Nielsen//NetRatings. But like the indie bands that are its lifeblood, Pitchfork has found its own way to thrive in an industry that is slowly being niched to death: It influences those who influence others."

Why is the fork the most important web site in indie rock? Does it matter? I, for one, welcome our new indie masters.


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