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Watching the Detectives (BRRcast #02)

For this Pop Culture Panel, Dan Suitor and Amy Watts join me to discuss HBO's The Wire. Oft-heralded as the best show in the history of television, it's also one that was never very popular in its early seasons, but has drawn more and more viewers over the last 10 years as it made its way into the cultural consciousness.

More than many other television serials, The Wire watches like great literature and rewards rewatching, in large part because characters develop from smaller parts to larger ones over the course of the series. As our window into the world of Baltimore, the series sprawls over the years and it's all connected.

SPOILER NOTICE: This podcast discusses events from the first five episodes of season one.

Watch The Wire Season 1 on HBO GO or on Netflix (DVD only) or buy the set on Amazon.com.

Alan Sepinwall's Discussions of Season 1 episodes for Wire Newbies

Wire Watching Project at A List of Things Thrown Five Minutes Ago:

Also from ALOTT5MA: On Watching and Rewatching The Wire and It's All in the Game, Yo.

Other links:
Washington Post: After 'The Wire' ended, actress Sonja Sohn couldn't leave Baltimore's troubled streets behind

Alyssa Rosenberg, After 'The Wire,' Black Actors Trapped In Baltimore

Gawker: People Say Really Stupid Things About The Wireon OKCupid

Stuff White People Like: #85 The Wire

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