Devin Davis

Devin Davis released one of my favorite albums of 2005 with “Lonely People of the World, Unite!”
I can’t say how much I enjoy this album. Some of the high points include the badass squonky sax solo on “Iron Woman,” the sheer joy of glam-stomper “Moon Over Shark City,” the swagger of riff heavy “Transcendental Sports Anthem,” and the twisted tale of driving down the road with Willie Nelson in “Cannons at the Courthouse.” It’s hard to resist the charms of “Giant Spiders,” when the song shifts from the catchy chorus to screaming with reckless abandon “we’ll be fine if we can survive the giant spiders!” (You can hear the exclamation point in the singing.) With quirky lyrics, solid songwriting chops, and everything but the kitchen sink instrumentation, this album is just a lot of fun.
Iron Woman
Turtle and the Flightless Bird
No, it’s not a new album, but it’s still a heck of a lot of fun. Davis is in the midst of recording his follow-up for a 2007 release.
Buy Lonely People of the World, Unite!
Sixeyes: Devin Davis Interview